// UI Label 100 User 101 Log 102 Mode 103 Device 104 Display 105 USB 106 Network 120 OK 121 Cancel 122 Next 123 Help 124 None 125 Use 126 Not Use 127 User 128 Template 129 Delete 130 Update 131 News 132 Notice 133 Weather 134 Enable 135 Disable 136 Yes 137 No 138 Finger 139 Undefined 140 Default 141 More 142 Finger 143 Visible 144 Invisible 145 Used 200 User Management 201 Enroll User 202 Edit User 203 Delete 204 Delete All Users 205 User List 206 Edit User 207 Access Control 208 Finger 209 Check User DB 220 User ID 221 Admin Level 222 Security 223 User Group 224 Auth Mode 225 Password 226 Add 227 Name 228 Dept. 229 More 230 Access 231 Fingers 232 Group 233 Registered 234 None 235 Card ID 240 Admin 241 Normal 260 Reader 261 Lowest 262 Lower 263 Normal 264 Higher 265 Highest 280 Finger 281 Password 282 Both 283 Daily Limit 284 Timed APB 285 Disabled 286 Set 287 Release 288 Card 289 RF Card 290 Wiegand 291 Input Type 292 User ID 293 Manual Input 294 Read Card ID 295 Bypass Card 300 Enroll Finger 301 Finger No 302 Quality 303 Duress 304 Scan Finger 305 View Image 306 None 307 Last Finger 320 Weak 321 Normal 322 Strict 340 Access Group 341 Time Zone 342 Holiday 343 Group 344 Schedule 400 User Log 401 Finger // OP Mode Label 1000 1:1 Mode 1001 1:N Mode 1002 T&A 1003 T&A Event 1004 T&A Key 1005 Door Relay 1006 1020 Finger Only 1021 Both 1022 Finger or PIN 1023 PIN Only 1024 Card Only 1040 Auto 1041 OK/T&A Key 1042 Disabled 1060 Disabled 1061 Enabled 1062 Prev Mode 1063 In 1064 Out 1065 In Duty 1066 Out Duty // Display Setup Label 1200 Language 1201 Voice 1202 Sound 1203 Background 1204 Sub Info 1205 Timeout 1206 Volume 1207 Date 1208 Time 1209 Msg Time 1210 Time Sync 1211 Time 1212 Private Auth 1213 Date Display 1220 Korean 1221 English 1222 Custom 1240 Logo 1241 Animation 1242 Notice 1243 Weather 1244 Slide Show 1260 None 1261 Time 1262 News 1263 Notice 1280 Infinite 1281 5 sec 1282 10 sec 1283 15 sec 1284 20 sec 1285 25 sec 1286 30 sec 1300 0.5 sec 1301 1 sec 1302 2 sec 1303 3 sec 1304 4 sec 1305 5 sec 1320 MM/DD 1321 DD/MM // Log List Label 1400 Log List 1401 Filter 1402 Delete 1403 Latest 1420 Filter ID 1421 Duration 1422 T&A Event 1423 Event 1424 User ID 1440 All 1441 Today 1442 Yesterday 1443 Last 3 days 1444 Last 1 week 1445 Last 1 month 1460 All 1480 All 1481 Success 1482 Fail 1483 IO 1484 Duress 1485 Tamper 1486 System 1500 Sun 1501 Mon 1502 Tue 1503 Wed 1504 Thu 1505 Fri 1506 Sat 1507 PM 1508 AM 1520 Jan 1521 Feb 1522 Mar 1523 Apr 1524 May 1525 Jun 1526 Jul 1527 Aug 1528 Sep 1529 Oct 1530 Nov 1531 Dec // Device Setup Label 1600 Device Setup 1620 Fingerprint 1621 I/O 1622 Communication 1623 Master Password 1624 Factory Default 1625 Door Relay 1626 Device Reset 1627 Device Info 1640 Current 1641 New 1642 New(Again) 1660 Security 1661 1:1 Security 1662 Fast Mode 1663 Sensitivity 1664 Timeout(Sec) 1665 Encryption 1666 1:N Delay 1680 Normal 1681 Secure 1682 Most Secure 1700 Reader 1701 User 1720 Normal 1721 Fast 1722 Fastest 1723 Auto 1740 0(Min) 1741 7(Max) 1760 0(Indefinite) 1780 Driven by 1781 Duration(sec) 1782 Lock Time 1783 Unlock Time 1784 Interphone 1800 All Event 1801 Auth+T&A 1802 Disabled 1803 Auth 1804 T&A 1820 Input 0 1821 Input 1 1822 Output 0 1823 Output 1 1824 Tamper SW 1825 Duration(ms) 1840 Disabled 1841 Exit 1842 Wiegand Card ID 1843 Wiegand User ID 1860 Disabled 1861 Duress 1862 Tamper SW 1863 Auth Success 1864 Auth Fail 1865 Wiegand User ID 1866 Wiegand Card ID 1880 None 1881 Lock System 1900 Device ID 1901 MAC 1902 Model 1903 HW Version 1904 FW Version 1905 Kernel Ver. 1906 Memory 1907 Config Default 1908 Factory Default // Network 2000 Network Setup 2001 Ethernet 2002 Wireless LAN 2003 RS485 2004 USB 2005 Load from USB Memory 2006 Save to USB Memory 2007 USB Memory 2008 Status 2009 TCP/IP 2010 LAN Type 2011 RS232 2012 Serial 2013 WLAN 2014 Apply 2020 DHCP 2021 IP Address 2022 Gateway 2023 DNS 1 2024 DNS 2 2025 Port 2026 DNS 2027 Subnet 2028 Server IP 2029 Max Conn. 2040 Disabled 2041 Connected 2042 Disconnected 2043 Enabled 2060 Infrastructure 2061 Ad-hoc 2080 Open 2081 Shared 2082 WPA-PSK 2090 No Encryption 2091 WEP64/128/256 2092 TKIP/AES 2100 ASCII 2101 Hex 2102 Passphrase 2120 Mode 2121 Encryption 2122 Key Type 2123 ESSID 2124 Link Quality 2125 Signal Strength 2126 Preset 2127 Authentication 2135 SSL 2136 Server 2140 USB Port 2160 Synchronize 2161 Export Virtual Terminal 2162 Import Virtual Terminal 2163 Firmware Upgrade 2164 Refresh 2165 Initialize // Message Index 10000 Place the first \ finger 10001 Place the first \ finger again 10002 Place the second \ finger 10003 Place the second \ finger again 10004 Place the third \ finger 10005 Place the third \ finger again 10006 Place the fourth \ finger 10007 Place the fourth \ finger again 10008 Place the fifth \ finger 10009 Place the fifth \ finger again 10010 Do you want to enroll \ without fingerprints? 10011 Enter user ID first 10012 Place the duress \ finger 10013 Place the duress \ finger again 10020 Admin fingerprint or \ master password 10021 Place your finger or \ enter your password 10022 Authenticaion 10023 Place your finger 10024 Enter your password 10025 Master password 10026 Place your card 10027 Place your finger or card 10100 Do you want to \ delete this user? 10101 Do you want to \ delete all users? 10200 Do you want to \ restart BioStation? 10201 Reset to default? 10300 Do you want to \ delete all logs? 10500 Enroll success 11000 Welcome! 11001 11002 T&A 11200 Connecting to LAN 11201 Communicating with Host 11202 Upgrading System 11203 Resetting to Default 11300 Connecting to Ethernet 11301 Connecting to WLAN 11302 Managed Mode 11303 Ad-hoc Mode 11304 Network ID: 11305 Set WEP Key 11306 Set WPA-PSK Key 11307 Associated 11308 Associating 11309 Scanned 11310 Scanning 11311 Receiving IP address 11312 IP 11400 Please insert memory \ and press Refresh 11401 Please initialize \ memory first 11402 Searching USB memory 11403 Initialize Success 11404 Exporting virtual terminal 11405 Export Success 11406 Synchronizing terminal 11407 Synchronize Success 11408 Synchronizing configurations 11409 Exporting log 11410 Synchronizing users 11411 Writing USB memory 11412 Do you want to \ initialize the memory? 11413 Choose firmware 11414 Choose terminal 11415 Upgrading firmware 11416 Upgrade suceed \ Restart now 11417 Importing virtual terminal 11418 Import Success 11419 Initializing USB memory 11420 Transferring 11500 Checking user DB errors 11501 Check Success 11502 Deleting all users 11503 Reset to default 11504 Do you want to check \ user DB errors? 11505 Checking 12000 Place a Card 12001 Input Card ID 12002 Input ID Error 12003 Input Timeout // Event Log 13000 Bad Finger 13001 Enroll OK 13002 Enroll Fail 13003 Bad Finger 13004 Verify OK 13005 Verify Fail 13006 Bad Finger 13007 Identify OK 13008 Identify Fail 13009 Bad Finger 13010 Delete OK 13011 Delete Fail 13012 Duress 13013 Duress 13014 Tamper On 13015 Tamper Off 13016 System Started 13017 Not Granted 13018 Not Granted 13019 Door Open 13020 Door Close 13021 Delete All 13022 Input 0 13023 Input 1 13024 Menu 13025 Daily Limited 13026 Timed APB 13027 Restricted User 13028 Expired User 13029 Finger Verify OK 13030 Pin Verify OK 13031 Card+Finger Verify OK 13032 Card+Pin Verify OK 13033 Card Verify OK // Error Message Index 20000 Enter user ID 20001 Enter 4~16 digits \ for password 20002 Unregistered ID 20003 Password is \ not set 20004 Wrong password 20005 File I/O error 20006 You are not \ an administrator 20007 Wrong password 20008 Enter 8 ~ 16 digits \ for master password 20009 Duress not allowed \ for single finger 20010 Duress not allowed \ for same finger 20011 Fingerprint is \ not enrolled 20012 Wrong \ master password 20013 Out of memory 20014 Invalid data 20015 Duplicated ID 20100 Authentication failed 20101 Scan failed 20102 Enroll failed 20103 Two fingerprints \ do not match 20104 Authentication failed 20105 Input timeout 20106 Card ID in use 20107 Enter card id \ at least 4 digits 20200 Invalid user ID 20201 Access is not granted 20202 Device is locked 20400 Cannot connect \ to LAN 20401 DHCP failed 20500 Initialization failed 20501 Cannot export \ virtual terminal 20502 Cannot synchronize \ with virtual terminal 20503 Cannot upgrade \ firmware 20504 Cannot import \ virtual terminal 20600 Invalid Time 20700 Cannot check \ user DB 20800 Cannot enable \ 1:N mode 20900 Authentication \ is restricted 30000 Saving configuration \ fail