/** * Wrapper API for USB memory * * @author sjlee@suprema.co.kr * @see */ /* * Copyright (c) 2006 Suprema Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Suprema Co., Ltd. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Suprema. */ #ifndef __BS_USB_MEMORY_H__ #define __BS_USB_MEMORY_H__ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include "BS_API.h" #define MAX_USB_MEMORY 4 #define MAX_TERMINAL_PER_MEMORY 8 #define USB_MEMORY_MAGIC_FILE "usb_biostation_vt" #define USB_MEMORY_VT_DIR "biostation_vt" typedef struct { bool enabled; char driveLetter[4]; int numOfTerminal; unsigned int terminalID[MAX_TERMINAL_PER_MEMORY]; } USBMemoryStick; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int USB_ScanUSBMemory( const char* driveLetter, USBMemoryStick* memory ); int USB_RemoveDirectory( const char* directoryName ); int USB_DeleteFile( const char* directoryName, const char* filter, bool fromStart ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetBiostationID( int handle, unsigned* biostationID ); BS_RET_CODE USB_SearchBiostation( int handle, unsigned* IDs, int* numOfBiostation ); BS_RET_CODE USB_ReadLog( int handle, time_t startTime, time_t endTime, int* numOfLog, BSLogRecord* logRecord ); // maximum numOfLog = 32768 BS_RET_CODE USB_GetLogCount( int handle, int* numOfLog ); BS_RET_CODE USB_SendNotice( int handle, const char* msg ); // max message len is 1024 bytes BS_RET_CODE USB_SetBackground( int handle, int bgIndex, const char* pngFile ); BS_RET_CODE USB_SetSlideShow( int handle, int numOfPicture, int imageIndex, const char* pngFile ); // Maximum Slide Show = 32 BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteSlideShow( int handle ); BS_RET_CODE USB_SetSound( int handle, int soundIndex, const char* wavFile ); BS_RET_CODE USB_SetLanguageFile( int handle, int languageIndex, const char* languageFile ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetUserDBInfo( int handle, int* numOfUser, int* numOfTemplate ); BS_RET_CODE USB_EnrollUser( int handle, BSUserHdr* hdr, unsigned char* templateData ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteUser( int handle, unsigned userID ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteAllUser( int handle ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetUser( int handle, unsigned userID, BSUserHdr* hdr, unsigned char* templateData ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetUserInfo( int handle, unsigned userID, BSUserHdr* hdr ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetAllUserInfo( int handle, BSUserHdr* hdr, int *numOfUser ); BS_RET_CODE USB_WriteConfig( int handle, int configType, int size, void* data ); BS_RET_CODE USB_ReadConfig( int handle, int configType, int* size, void* data ); BS_RET_CODE USB_AddTimeSchedule( int handle, BSTimeSchedule* schedule ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteTimeSchedule( int handle, int scheduleID ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteAllTimeSchedule( int handle ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetAllTimeSchedule( int handle, int* numOfSchedule, BSTimeSchedule* schedule ); BS_RET_CODE USB_AddHoliday( int handle, BSHoliday* holiday ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteHoliday( int handle, int holidayID ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteAllHoliday( int handle ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetAllHoliday( int handle, int* numOfHoliday, BSHoliday* holiday ); BS_RET_CODE USB_AddAccessGroup( int handle, BSAccessGroup* group ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteAccessGroup( int handle, int groupID ); BS_RET_CODE USB_DeleteAllAccessGroup( int handle ); BS_RET_CODE USB_GetAllAccessGroup( int handle, int* numOfGroup, BSAccessGroup* group ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif