VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1 Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight = 9705 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 450 ClientWidth = 5790 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 9705 ScaleWidth = 5790 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows ±âº»°ª Begin VB.CommandButton Command6 Caption = "Scan Template/Read Image" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 19 Top = 3720 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command5 Caption = "Read Image" Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 18 Top = 3240 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command21 Caption = "Enroll User" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 17 Top = 1800 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command20 Caption = "Get User(Header+Template)" Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 16 Top = 1800 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command19 Caption = "Get User Info" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 15 Top = 2280 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command18 Caption = "Get All User Info" Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 14 Top = 2280 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command17 Caption = "Set Private Info" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 13 Top = 2760 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command16 Caption = "Get Private Info" Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 12 Top = 2760 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command15 Caption = "Get All Private Info" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 11 Top = 3240 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.TextBox txtDrive Height = 270 Left = 2280 TabIndex = 10 Text = "G:" Top = 480 Width = 1095 End Begin VB.CheckBox chkUSB Caption = "VT(USB Memory) at" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 9 Top = 480 Width = 2055 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command4 Caption = "Read IP Config" Height = 495 Left = -120 TabIndex = 8 Top = 1320 Width = 3015 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command3 Caption = "Write IP Config " Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 7 Top = 1320 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.TextBox txtPort Height = 270 Left = 3840 TabIndex = 6 Text = "1470" Top = 120 Width = 1335 End Begin VB.TextBox txtIPAddress Height = 270 Left = 1200 TabIndex = 4 Text = "" Top = 120 Width = 1935 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command2 Caption = "Read Log(Last an hour) " Height = 495 Left = 2880 TabIndex = 2 Top = 840 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.TextBox Text1 BeginProperty Font Name = "±¼¸²Ã¼" Size = 9.75 Charset = 129 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 5295 Left = 0 MultiLine = -1 'True ScrollBars = 3 '¾ç¹æÇâ TabIndex = 1 Top = 4320 Width = 5775 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 Caption = "Read All Log" Height = 495 Left = 0 TabIndex = 0 Top = 840 Width = 2895 End Begin VB.Label Label2 Caption = "Port" Height = 255 Left = 3360 TabIndex = 5 Top = 120 Width = 615 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Caption = "IP Address" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 120 Width = 975 End End Attribute VB_Name = "Form1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Dim result As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim logRecord() As BSLogRecord If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Read All Log]" & vbCrLf ReDim logRecord(32767) result = BS_ReadLog(handle, 0, 0, numOfLog, logRecord(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot read log record : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Retrieved " & numOfLog & " logs" & vbCrLf 'if the number of records is over 32768, next codes is neeaded. Do If numOfLog < 32768 Then Exit Do result = BS_ReadLog(handle, logRecord(numOfLog - 1).eventTime, 0, numOfLog, logRecord(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot read log record : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Retrieved " & numOfLog & " logs" & vbCrLf Loop Dim i, startValue, diff As Long If numOfLog <= 50 Then startValue = 0 Else startValue = numOfLog - 50 End If Dim currentTime As Long currentTime = DateDiff("s", "1/1/1970", Now) For i = startValue To numOfLog - 1 diff = currentTime - logRecord(i).eventTime Text1.SelText = "Event:" & logRecord(i).event & " User:" & logRecord(i).userID & " Time:" & format(DateAdd("s", -(diff), Now), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") _ & " TNA:" & logRecord(i).tnaEvent & vbCrLf Next Text1.SelText = "The last 50 of all logs have been displayed..." & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Change wiegand configuration]" & vbCrLf Dim wiegandConfig As BSWiegandConfig 'Wegand custom format total-32bits id-15bits 'PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP 'EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO wiegandConfig.header.format = BS_WIEGAND_CUSTOM wiegandConfig.header.totalBits = 32 = 2 = 2 = &H2 'b10 = 0 = BS_WIEGAND_EVEN_PARITY = &HFE 'b11111110, bit array 01111111 = &HFF 'b11111111, bit array 11111111 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = 31 = BS_WIEGAND_ODD_PARITY = &H0 = &H0 = &HFF 'b11111111, bit array 11111111 = &H7F 'b01111111, bit array 11111110 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = &H0 = 1 = 15 wiegandConfig.fieldValue(0) = 0 = 16 = 15 'Wiegand Config result = BS_WriteWiegandConfig(handle, wiegandConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot write wiegand config : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Wiegand custom format total-32bits id-15bits" & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP" & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO" & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click() If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Release Encryption]" & vbCrLf Dim encConfig As BSEncryptionConfig result = BS_ReadEncryptionConfig(handle, encConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot read encryption config : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If If encConfig.useEncryption = False Then Text1.SelText = "Encryption is not used already." & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If 'Before you change the encryption configuration, all users in the i9 should be deleted. result = BS_DeleteAllUser(handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot delete all user : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "All users are deleted." & vbCrLf 'Write encryption configuration to the deivce For i = 0 To 31 encConfig.password(i) = 0 Next i encConfig.useEncryption = False result = BS_WriteEncryptionConfig(handle, encConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot write encryption config : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Encryption is off." & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Public Function BitShiftRight(ByVal intValue As Long, ByVal intShiftBy As Byte) As Variant 'Bit shifts a value to the right Dim lngShiftVal As Long lngShiftVal = 2 ^ intShiftBy BitShiftRight = Fix(intValue / lngShiftVal) End Function Private Sub Command12_Click() If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Set Encryption]" & vbCrLf 'check encryption Dim encConfig As BSEncryptionConfig result = BS_ReadEncryptionConfig(handle, encConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot read encryption config : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If If encConfig.useEncryption = True Then Text1.SelText = "Encryption is used already." & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If 'Before you change the encryption configuration, all users in the i9 should be deleted. result = BS_DeleteAllUser(handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot delete all user : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "All users are deleted." & vbCrLf For i = 0 To 31 encConfig.password(i) = 0 Next i 'Write encryption configuration to the deivce encConfig.password(0) = Asc("T") encConfig.password(1) = Asc("E") encConfig.password(2) = Asc("S") encConfig.password(3) = Asc("T") encConfig.password(4) = Asc("1") encConfig.password(5) = Asc("2") encConfig.password(6) = Asc("3") encConfig.useEncryption = True result = BS_WriteEncryptionConfig(handle, encConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot write encryption config : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Encryption is on." & vbCrLf 'Scan the encoded template and enroll a user. Dim templateData() As Byte Dim checksum As Long Dim userHdr As BSUserhdr Dim sString(12) As Byte userHdr.ID = 10 userHdr.headerVersion = 0 userHdr.adminLevel = 241 userHdr.securityLevel = 260 userHdr.statusMask = 0 userHdr.accessGroupMask = &HFFFFFFFF result = BS_ConvertToUTF8("Test User", sString(0), 9) CopyMemory userHdr.userName(0), sString(0), 9 result = BS_ConvertToUTF8("Test Group", sString(0), 10) CopyMemory userHdr.department(0), sString(0), 10 userHdr.numOfFinger = 1 userHdr.duressMask = &H0 ReDim templateData(384 * userHdr.numOfFinger * 2 - 1) result = BS_Disable(handle, 60) For i = 0 To (userHdr.numOfFinger * 2) - 1 'The scanned template data have been encorded. Text1.SelText = "Place a finger." & vbCrLf result = BS_ScanTemplate(handle, templateData(i * 384)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the template data : " & result & vbCrLf BS_Enable (handle) If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If checksum = 0 For j = 0 To 384 - 1 checksum = checksum + templateData(i * 384 + j) Next j userHdr.checksum(Int(i / 2) + 1) = BitShiftRight(checksum, 8) userHdr.checksum(Int(i / 2)) = checksum And &HFF Next i result = BS_EnrollUser(handle, userHdr, templateData(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot enroll a user : " & result & vbCrLf BS_Enable (handle) If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "User Enroll Success with encoded template data." BS_Enable (handle) If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command15_Click() Dim privateInfo() As BSPrivateInfo Dim numOfUser As Long Dim numOfTemplate As Long result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Get All Private Info]" & vbCrLf result = BS_GetUserDBInfo(handle, numOfUser, numOfTemplate) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get user db info : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If ReDim privateInfo(numOfUser) 'This function only get the private info( not include image ). result = BS_GetAllPrivateInfo(handle, privateInfo(0), numOfUser) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get all private info : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Get All Private Info success " & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command16_Click() Dim privateInfo As BSPrivateInfo result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Get Private Info]" & vbCrLf 'This function only get the private info( not include image ). result = BS_GetPrivateInfo(handle, 10, privateInfo) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get private info : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Get Private Info success " & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command17_Click() Dim privateInfo As BSPrivateInfo Dim displayConfig As BSDisplayConfig result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Set Private Info]" & vbCrLf result = BS_ReadDisplayConfig(handle, displayConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get display config : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If displayConfig.usePrivateAuth = True result = BS_WriteDisplayConfig(handle, displayConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set display config : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If privateInfo.ID = 10 privateInfo.useImage = True result = BS_ConvertToUTF8("Goog Morning!!" & vbCrLf & "Good Luck!!", privateInfo.greetingMsg(0), BS_MAX_PRIVATE_MSG_LEN) result = BS_SetPrivateInfo(handle, PRIVATE_TYPE_USER, privateInfo, App.Path & "\pic2.png") If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set private info : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Set Private Info success " & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command18_Click() Dim userHdr() As BSUserHdrEx Dim numOfUser As Long Dim numOfTemplate As Long If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Get All User Info]" & vbCrLf result = BS_GetUserDBInfo(handle, numOfUser, numOfTemplate) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get user db info : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If ReDim userHdr(numOfUser) result = BS_GetAllUserInfoEx(handle, userHdr(0), numOfUser) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get user info : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Get All User Info success " & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command19_Click() Dim userHdr As BSUserHdrEx If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Get User Info]" & vbCrLf result = BS_GetUserInfoEx(handle, 10, userHdr) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get user header : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Get user header success " & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i, startValue, diff As Long Dim logRecord() As BSLogRecord If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Read Last Log]" & vbCrLf Dim currentTime As Long ReDim logRecord(32767) currentTime = DateDiff("s", "1/1/1970", Now) result = BS_ReadLog(handle, currentTime - 3600, currentTime, numOfLog, logRecord(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot read log record : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Retrieved " & numOfLog & " logs" & vbCrLf If numOfLog <= 50 Then startValue = 0 Else startValue = numOfLog - 50 End If For i = startValue To numOfLog - 1 diff = currentTime - logRecord(i).eventTime Text1.SelText = "Event:" & logRecord(i).event & " User:" & logRecord(i).userID & " Time:" & format(DateAdd("s", -(diff), Now), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") _ & " TNA:" & logRecord(i).tnaEvent & vbCrLf Next Text1.SelText = "The last 50 of specified logs have been displayed..." & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command20_Click() Dim userHdr As BSUserHdrEx Dim templateData() As Byte If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Get User Header + Template]" & vbCrLf ReDim templateData(384 * 2 * 5) result = BS_GetUserEx(handle, 10, userHdr, templateData(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get user header + templalte : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Get user header + templalte success " & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command21_Click() Dim userHdr As BSUserHdrEx Dim templateData() As Byte If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Enroll User]" & vbCrLf userHdr.ID = 10 userHdr.adminLevel = 241 userHdr.securityLevel = 260 userHdr.statusMask = 0 userHdr.accessGroupMask = &HFFFFFFFF result = BS_ConvertToUTF8("Test User", userHdr.userName(0), BS_MAX_NAME_LEN) result = BS_ConvertToUTF8("Test Group", userHdr.department(0), BS_MAX_NAME_LEN) userHdr.numOfFinger = 2 userHdr.duressMask = &H0 userHdr.cardID = 123456 userHdr.bypassCard = flase userHdr.authLimitCount = 0 userHdr.disabled = False userHdr.expireDateTime = 0 userHdr.timedAntiPassback = 0 ReDim templateData(384 * userHdr.numOfFinger * 2 - 1) For i = 0 To (userHdr.numOfFinger * 2) - 1 Text1.SelText = "Place a finger!!! " & vbCrLf result = BS_ScanTemplate(handle, templateData(i * 384)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the template data : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If checksum = 0 For j = 0 To 384 - 1 checksum = checksum + templateData(i * 384 + j) Next j userHdr.checksum(Int(i / 2) + 1) = BitShiftRight(checksum, 8) userHdr.checksum(Int(i / 2)) = checksum And &HFF Next i result = BS_EnrollUserEx(handle, userHdr, templateData(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot enroll a user : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Enroll user success " & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If 'Write Config Dim ipConfig As BSIPConfig ipConfig.lanType = BS_IP_WLAN ipConfig.useDHCP = False ipConfig.port = 1481 ipConfig.ipAddr(0) = Asc("1") ipConfig.ipAddr(1) = Asc("9") ipConfig.ipAddr(2) = Asc("2") ipConfig.ipAddr(3) = Asc(".") ipConfig.ipAddr(4) = Asc("1") ipConfig.ipAddr(5) = Asc("6") ipConfig.ipAddr(6) = Asc("8") ipConfig.ipAddr(7) = Asc(".") ipConfig.ipAddr(8) = Asc("2") ipConfig.ipAddr(9) = Asc("1") ipConfig.ipAddr(10) = 0 ipConfig.gateway(0) = Asc("1") ipConfig.gateway(1) = Asc("9") ipConfig.gateway(2) = Asc("2") ipConfig.gateway(3) = Asc(".") ipConfig.gateway(4) = Asc("1") ipConfig.gateway(5) = Asc("6") ipConfig.gateway(6) = Asc("8") ipConfig.gateway(7) = Asc(".") ipConfig.gateway(8) = Asc("2") ipConfig.gateway(9) = Asc("1") ipConfig.gateway(10) = 0 ipConfig.subnetMask(0) = Asc("1") ipConfig.subnetMask(1) = Asc("9") ipConfig.subnetMask(2) = Asc("2") ipConfig.subnetMask(3) = Asc(".") ipConfig.subnetMask(4) = Asc("1") ipConfig.subnetMask(5) = Asc("6") ipConfig.subnetMask(6) = Asc("8") ipConfig.subnetMask(7) = Asc(".") ipConfig.subnetMask(8) = Asc("2") ipConfig.subnetMask(9) = Asc("1") ipConfig.subnetMask(10) = 0 ipConfig.serverIP(0) = Asc("1") ipConfig.serverIP(1) = Asc("9") ipConfig.serverIP(2) = Asc("2") ipConfig.serverIP(3) = Asc(".") ipConfig.serverIP(4) = Asc("1") ipConfig.serverIP(5) = Asc("6") ipConfig.serverIP(6) = Asc("8") ipConfig.serverIP(7) = Asc(".") ipConfig.serverIP(8) = Asc("2") ipConfig.serverIP(9) = Asc("1") ipConfig.serverIP(10) = 0 ipConfig.maxConnextion = 4 ipConfig.useServer = False ipConfig.serverPort = 5001 ipConfig.syncTimeWithServer = False result = BS_WriteIPConfig(handle, ipConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot write ip configuration : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Write ip configuration]" & vbCrLf Dim szIpAddress As String Dim i As Integer szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.ipAddr(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "IP Address : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.gateway(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Gate Way : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.subnetMask(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Subnet Mask : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "Port : " & ipConfig.port & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.serverIP(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Server IP : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "Server Port : " & ipConfig.serverPort & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) Else result = BS_OpenUSBMemory(txtDrive.Text, handle) End If If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If 'Function Dim ipConfig As BSIPConfig result = BS_ReadIPConfig(handle, ipConfig) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot write ip configuration : " & result & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Read ip configuration]" & vbCrLf Dim szIpAddress As String Dim i As Integer szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.ipAddr(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "IP Address : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.gateway(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Gate Way : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.subnetMask(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Subnet Mask : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "Port : " & ipConfig.port & vbCrLf szIpAddress = "" For i = 0 To 9 szIpAddress = szIpAddress & Chr(ipConfig.serverIP(i)) Next i Text1.SelText = "Server IP : " & szIpAddress & vbCrLf Text1.SelText = "Server Port : " & ipConfig.serverPort & vbCrLf If chkUSB.Value = 0 Then BS_CloseSocket (handle) Else BS_CloseUSBMemory (handle) End If Text1.SelText = vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Dim imageData() As Byte Dim imageSize As Long Dim FileNo As Integer result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Read Image]" & vbCrLf ReDim imageData(131072) result = BS_ReadImage(handle, 1, imageData(0), imageSize) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get image data : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If FileNo = FreeFile Open App.Path & "\fpImage.bmp" For Binary Access Write As #FileNo Put #FileNo, , imageData Close #FileNo BS_CloseSocket (handle) End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Dim templateData(384) As Byte Dim imageData() As Byte result = BS_OpenSocket(txtIPAddress.Text, Int(txtPort.Text), handle) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot open the communication channel : " & result & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If result = BS_GetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If result = BS_SetBiostationID(handle, biostationID) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot set the ID : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "[Scan Template]" & vbCrLf result = BS_ScanTemplate(handle, templateData(0)) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get the template data : " & result & vbCrLf BS_CloseSocket (handle) Exit Sub End If Text1.SelText = "Scan Template Success" & vbCrLf Sleep (500) Text1.SelText = "[Read Image]" & vbCrLf ReDim imageData(131072) result = BS_ReadImage(handle, 1, imageData(0), imageSize) If result <> 0 Then Text1.SelText = "Cannot get image data : " & result & vbCrLf 'BS_CloseSocket (handle) BS_CloseUSB (handle) Exit Sub End If FileNo = FreeFile Open App.Path & "\fpImage.bmp" For Binary Access Write As #FileNo Put #FileNo, , imageData Close #FileNo Text1.SelText = "Read Image Success" & vbCrLf 'BS_CloseSocket (handle) BS_CloseUSB (handle) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() result = BS_InitSDK() End Sub