00:00-00:05 00:06-00:10 Crate a Time Category 00:11-00:14 Add a new daily Schedule 00:15-00:30 Enter a Name 00:31-00:37 Input the Day Start Time in "Details" In "Time Slot" input the Start Time, End Time 00:38-00:48 Choose the Time Category, Graces, Min. Duration and Roundings 00:49-00:53 Check Affect Result, Click Add and Apply 00:55-01:20 Repeat the process with the rest of the Shifts 02:22-02:33 Add a new Shift and Enter a Name 02:34-02:39 Choose the Daily Cycle and set the days Click Update 02:40-02:55 Input the Start and End Date 02:56-03:08 Click the box. From T&A Tree choose a Schedule 03:09-03:15 Repeat the process for each wanted days 03:16-03:19 Use the Arrow to copy the same Schedule 03:20-03:24 To the next page, use the bottom arrow 03:25-03:50 Repeat for the rest of the days 04:14-04:17 To delete a schedule, uncheck to small box 05:05-06:00 Repeat for the rest of the Shifts