00;00-00:03 00:04-00:16 Click "Add Time Category" and enter a Name 00:17-00:28 Input the "Time Rate", "Rounding Unit" and select a color. Click Apply 00:30-00:45 Click "Add Daily Schedule" and enter a Name 00:46-00:56 Input "Day Tart Time", "Start Time", "End Time" 00:57-01:06 Also, "Minimum Duration", "Time Category" 01:07-01:11 Click "Add" and "Apply" 01:12-01:17 In "Access Control", click "New Holiday" 01:18-01:36 Enter a Name 01:37-01:53 Add new Holiday Dates and click "Apply" 01:54-02:00 From "Time and Attendance", click Holiday Management 02:01-02:16 Add a New Holiday Rule and input the Name 02:17-02:23 Add the new Holiday and click Apply 02:24-02:45 Repeat the process 02:46-02:49 Select a Rule and click Apply 02:05-03:19 Select betwween 3 types of rules 03:24-04:02 Select the User and Apply the Holiday Rule 04:03-04:12 Check the Report 04:13-04:16 Leave Setup 04-17-04:23 Select the User In Leave Management Click Add 04:24-04:50 Enter the Leave Information 04:51-05:10 Repeat the process to other Users 06:34-06:40 Check the Reoprt