Install Driver Manual







MODEL : DE-620



1.       SUMMARY. 2

2.       INSTALL DRIVER. 3

2.1      Previous Install Driver 3

2.2      Real Install Driver 5

3.       Update Driver. 8

4.       Help. 9

5.       DE-620  Q&A. 10

1.            SUMMARY

-         This document explains how to install DE-620 driver.

-         You should install driver two times. Previous install driver and Real Install Driver.

-         During real installation ¡°found new hardware¡± screen pop¡¯s up and follows the process 2.2 as shown below for easy driver installation.

-         This driver support Windows 2000 & Windows XP & Windows Vista.

-         Structure

n         DE-620 Reader

n         Install Program : DEInstallDriver.exe

-         Support OS

n         Windows 2000 & Windows XP & Windows Vista.

2.            INSTALL DRIVER

2.1                         Previous Install Driver

-         Disconnect DE-620 from PC.

-         Run ¡®DEInstallDriver.exe¡¯ in Install folder.

-         Select DE-620 in the device list.

-         Click ¡®Install Driver¡¯.

-         Install driver according to following procedures.

a. Click ¡®Next¡¯.

b. Click ¡®Continue Anyway¡¯.

d. If you complete this process, you can see this message.

e. Click ¡®Finish¡¯ to complete driver installation.

2.2                         Real Install Driver

-         Connect DE-620 to PC.

a. You can check ¡®found new hardware¡¯ message at down-right side of windows screen.

b. When Execute ¡®Found New Hardware Wizard¡¯, Click ¡®Next¡¯ button after you select ¡®Install the software automatically[Recommended]¡¯.

-         c. When you get Caution dialog, Click ¡®Continue Anyway¡¯.


d.      When you click ¡®Finish¡¯, your driver installation is complete.

-         If your OS is Windows XP, you have to follow installation procedure 2.2, when you connect DE-620 to PC by any USB port.

-         If your OS is Windows 2000 or Windows Vista, your PC will automatically install all USB port by itself.


3.            Update Driver

-         If you want to update driver to the latest version, click this button after you copy driver file in .\Driver\File folder.

-         You should disconnect device from your pc. And close all program(ex)DualCard) connected with your device.

-         Your driver folder should has files like below.

-         This button copies driver file from your folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers folder.

-         If you installed driver with this program, this button copies driver file from your folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ DRVSTORE folder also.


4.            Help

-         This button shows this program version and information of Duali like below.

-         You can check driver file¡¯s version with [Get driver version] button

-         If you add devices after you open help dialog, you can refresh the device list with [Refresh] button.


1.            DE-620  Q&A

? In case of a device doesn¡¯t work after you format your PC.

©£      When you install Windows, you have to install driver again.

? In case of a device doesn¡¯t sound buzzer and doesn¡¯t light LED.

©£        If you doesn¡¯t install driver, DE-620 doesn¡¯t sound ¡°buzzer¡± and doesn¡¯t light ¡°LED¡±.

©£        Check device manager.

? In case of a device doesn¡¯t work after you install driver completely in your PC. Or In case of a device suddenly doesn¡¯t work during you use a DE-620.

©£        Maybe your PC USB port is trouble. Please check this with another USB or another PC