?_ÿÿÿÿÂ8 l!â>RealPort for Windows 9xZ{mainÿV ÿÿàZ{ second®™™fQÿÿàÿÿà  /&;)z4ÿÿ € ÿÿÿÿ|CONTEXT“0|CTXOMAPE|FONTÓ|KWBTREE |KWDATAÈ|KWMAPõ|SYSTEM|TOPICI|TTLBTREE5$|VIOLAd,Šÿÿÿÿ BÿÿÿÿN1˜ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿN¤Device PropertiesO" - *€D€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿDevice PropertiesI.P. Address‡_N$( €¾€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the IP address of the Digi device. Use the IP address that the Digi device was assigned. 4 X) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿTCP PortL#$¤) €G€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the TCP port used for communication with the Digi device. The Digi device must use the same TCP port. Usually the default (771) works. If the application that communicates with the Digi device cannot use this TCP port, specify an alternative here and in the Digi device configuration. @Xä1>ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿäâPort PropertiesP#¤4- *€F€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿPort PropertiesBits per Second¾•äò) €+€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿDefines the line speed to use for this port. Use the value required by the peripheral connected to the port. The default is 9600 bits per second. 5 4') "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿData BitsÁ˜òè) €1€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿDefines the number of data bits per character to use for this port. Use the value required by the peripheral connected to the port. The default is 8.2 ') "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿParity±ˆèË) €€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿDefines the parity scheme to use for this port. Use the value required by the peripheral connected to the port. The default is None. 5 ) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿStop Bits¼“˼) €'€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿDefines the number of stop bits to use for this port. Use the value required by the peripheral connected to the port. The default is 1 stop bit.8ô) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿFlow ControlÈŸ¼¼) €?€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿDefines the flow control scheme to use for this port. Use the value required by the peripheral connected to the port. The default is Hardware flow control. =ôù) "€(€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿRestore Defaults [3¼T( €f€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿRestores all port properties to default values. 4 ùˆ) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿAdvancedZ2Tâ( €d€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿProvides access to the Advance Properties page.; ˆ 1åÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Ç PropertiesGâd - *€4€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿPropertiesDescription}U á ( €ª€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs a text string that can be used to provide a user-friendly name for the device. 8d  ) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿI.P. Address‡_á   ( €¾€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the IP address of the Digi device. Use the IP address that the Digi device was assigned. 4  Ô ) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿTCP PortL#  ) €G€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the TCP port used for communication with the Digi device. The Digi device must use the same TCP port. Usually the default (771) works. If the application that communicates with the Digi device cannot use this TCP port, specify an alternative here and in the Digi device configuration. BÔ b ) "€2€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿSend Keepalive PacketsÀ— " ) €/€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs a mechanism for keeping a TCP connection up all the time, even when there is no network traffic between the RealPort driver and the Digi device. <b ^ ) "€&€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿRestore DefaultsiA" Ç ( €‚€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿRestores the configuration settings on this page to defaults. B^ 1Ëÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ž@Advanced SettingsU(Ç ^- *€P€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿAdvanced SettingsForce Baud Rate ToþÕ \) €«€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the bits per second setting for the port if a non-standard rate is required. Setting this field overrides the Bits per Second field on the Ports Settings page. The range is from 1 to 921600 bits-per-second. N%^ª) "€J€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿComplete Write Request Immediatelyè¿\ž@) €€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿChecking this field means that the driver coªž@Ç nfirms the completion of a write request as soon as data is written to the buffer. The default is to wait until the data is sent out the port. ?ªÝ@1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÝ@>CRenumber PortsS&ž@0A- *€L€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿRenumber PortsStarting COM NumberܳÝ@ B) €g€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿIs the first number in the port-renumbering scheme. If, for example, you choose 10 as the starting COM number, port 1 of the Digi device will be COM10, port 2 COM11, and so on.70ACB) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿSelect All uM B¸B( €š€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿSelects all the ports in the list as targets for the copied configuration.9CBñB) "€ €6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿDe-Select AllM%¸B>C( €J€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿClears the list of selected ports.CñBC1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿCQFCopy Port SettingsP#>CÑC- *€F€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚€‚ÿCopy Port SettingsPort to CopyŠbC[D( €Ä€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿUse this field to select a port with configuration properties you want to copy to other ports. ?ÑCšD) "€,€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿSelect Target Portsƒ[[DE( €¶€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿChoose the ports that will be assigned the configuration properties of the copied port. 6 šDSE) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿSelect AllvNEÉE( €œ€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿSelects all the ports in the list as targets for the copied configuration. 9SEF) "€ €6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿDe-Select AllO&ÉEQF) "€L€4ˆÖš‚V€‚‚ÿClears the list of selected ports.EF–F1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ–FPIDevice Configuration@QFÖF) "€.€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿDevice ConfigurationX0–F.G( €`€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿUse this page to access configuration pages. 6 ÖFdG) "€€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿProperties²‰.GH) €€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿUse this button to access the device and port properties. (Select the device or a specific port and then press the Properties button.)>dGTH) "€*€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿCopy Port Settingsa9HµH( €r€4ˆÖš‚V€‚ÿUse this button to access the Copy Port Settings page.<THñH) "€&€6˜ˆ˜š‚€‚ÿRenumber Ports _6µHPI) "€l€4ˆÖš‚V€‚‚ÿUse this button to access the Renumber Ports page.1ñHÿÿÿÿ1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿriHTimes New RomanArial€ƒznÿÿÿÿdÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿî€ð‚Õ|Яmxÿÿÿÿ‚ÿÿÿÿéiÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ-$|ið‚¯m€/&;)F24ÿÿ  ÿÿÿÿAdvanced SettingsCopy Port SettingsDevice Configurationdevice properties IP address: configuringPort SettingsPropertiesRenumber PortsTCP port: configuring /&;)LzÿÿaÿÿÿÿDevice Properties¯Port PropertiesmProperties|Advanced Settings€Renumber PortsiCopy Port Settingsð‚Device Configurationd„/&;)L4ÿÿðÿÿÿÿ/&;)L4ÿÿÀÿÿÿÿªª¯UÔ«Žm8íÇÈi¸›Àç2r1a€4àçqð‚-`å~|