1 00:00:01,800 --> 00:00:04,000 record configuration 2 00:00:05,200 --> 00:00:10,000 in this chapter we will learn how to configure the recording parameters of the system 3 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:14,400 click on the menu button and then choose settings 4 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:17,800 the second category is record 5 00:00:18,300 --> 00:00:25,000 after clicking on it you will see a subcategory appearing on the right. we'll start with record 6 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:29,000 setting the recording must be done after setting the camera 7 00:00:29,500 --> 00:00:34,000 if no cameras are configured yet please go back to the previous chapter 8 00:00:34,300 --> 00:00:39,800 also our assumption is that the hard drives were formatted during the wizard configuration 9 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:46,200 if not please note that the record will not take place until the hard drive is formatted 10 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:52,379 if you wish to learn how to format the hard drive you can skip to the disk settings chapter 11 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:58,600 the Ossia recording interface was redesigned to be clearer and easier to configure 12 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:08,000 it is based on statistics showing that most users configure the recording to work year long in 24/7 setting 13 00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:12,000 the auto mode is the best choice for these users. 14 00:01:13,500 --> 00:01:19,000 manual mode- is for users who wish to customize the recording and schedule configuration 15 00:01:19,300 --> 00:01:25,900 auto mode- is actually built from 6 presets of 24/7 recording as follows : 16 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:34,700 motion record- will trigger record upon motion alarm under 24/7 schedule for all channels 17 00:01:35,100 --> 00:01:42,200 sensor record- will trigger record upon sensor alarm under 24/7 schedules for all channels 18 00:01:42,600 --> 00:01:50,700 motion record + sensor record- will trigger record upon motion and sensor alarms under 24/7 schedules for all channels 19 00:01:51,100 --> 00:01:56,500 always record + motion record- all the channels will be recorded continuously 20 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:00,000 motion alarms will be marked in the event list 21 00:02:00,400 --> 00:02:05,500 always record + sensor record- all the channels will be recorded continuously 22 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:08,800 and sensor alarms will be marked in the event list 23 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:15,800 always record + motion record + sensor record- all the channels will be recorded continuously 24 00:02:16,100 --> 00:02:19,600 motion and sensor alarms will be marked in the event list 25 00:02:20,100 --> 00:02:25,120 selecting one of the auto modes will pop up the stream settings window 26 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:32,000 in this window you should set the video encode type, resolution, FPS, bitrate type, 27 00:02:32,500 --> 00:02:37,500 bitrate and audio for each of the cameras and click OK to save the settings 28 00:02:38,300 --> 00:02:41,900 below we can configure the manual record duration 29 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:47,500 this setting will define how long the manual record stays active after enabling 30 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:52,300 now that we have finished with the auto modes we will continue to manual mode 31 00:02:52,700 --> 00:02:59,300 once the manual mode is selected you will need to set the encode parameters and schedules for each of the cameras 32 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:07,000 failing to do so will result in recording inconsistency or complete lack of recording by the system 33 00:03:08,500 --> 00:03:14,700 we will get to the schedule settings in a few minutes but now let's better explain the encoding section 34 00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:22,100 the encoding section is divided into -event recording stream and normal recording stream 35 00:03:22,500 --> 00:03:26,900 the idea is to allow the system to record on a 24/7 basis 36 00:03:27,300 --> 00:03:31,500 but to reduce storage consumption while there is no alarm 37 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:36,900 so basically you can set lower record configuration for when there is no alarm 38 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:40,400 and higher configuration when alarm is occurring 39 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:48,000 it is important to understand that the pre alarm record will be recorded in the lower configuration 40 00:03:48,500 --> 00:03:54,000 as it takes 2 to 3 seconds for the system to switch from lower to higher configuration 41 00:03:54,300 --> 00:03:58,300 this means that if you choose any of the continuous record modes 42 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:02,500 or you use scheduled recording you must configure both 43 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:10,200 if you use only recording based on alarms configuring only the event recording stream is enough 44 00:04:10,900 --> 00:04:14,000 let's understand better the encoding parameters 45 00:04:14,300 --> 00:04:23,000 video encode is the compression type, basically the available options are h.265 and h.264 46 00:04:23,500 --> 00:04:28,400 if the camera doesn't support h.265 this encoding type will not be available 47 00:04:28,600 --> 00:04:34,700 resolution is the image resolution for recording the higher the resolution the bigger the image 48 00:04:35,200 --> 00:04:41,600 FPS or frames per second refers to how many images build up one second of video 49 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:49,500 for example 25 FPS means that each second of video contains 25 frames or images 50 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:56,000 higher frame rate delivers more fluency however more storage space will be required 51 00:04:56,300 --> 00:05:05,300 bit rate type offers you the choice between CBR which is constant bit rate and VBR which is variable bit rate 52 00:05:05,500 --> 00:05:09,960 this is a very broad topic and we will not explain it deeper in this tutorial 53 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:16,700 bit rate stands for the compression aggressiveness the lower the bit rate the higher the compression 54 00:05:17,100 --> 00:05:21,800 high compression means lower bandwidth and storage space usage 55 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:25,000 but also decreasing the video quality 56 00:05:25,346 --> 00:05:33,400 recommended bit rate range is not configurable but very important for choosing the correct rate for your camera 57 00:05:33,800 --> 00:05:38,700 the system offers the best bit rate range that will balance between quality 58 00:05:38,900 --> 00:05:43,800 and bandwidth and storage consumption according to the configuration you set 59 00:05:44,200 --> 00:05:47,600 it is recommended to follow this recommendation 60 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:53,500 Audio offers you to select whether to record audio or not for the chosen channel 61 00:05:53,700 --> 00:05:56,900 this was the main stream recording configuration 62 00:05:57,100 --> 00:06:01,800 now we should go to the sub stream settings and set it as well 63 00:06:02,100 --> 00:06:09,700 the encoding parameters are the same except for audio recording which only applies to main stream recording 64 00:06:10,400 --> 00:06:15,000 after setting the sub stream we will have to set the schedule 65 00:06:15,210 --> 00:06:22,500 the schedule section is grayed out if any of the auto modes are selected since they all work on 24/7 schedules 66 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:26,300 if you switch to manual the schedule will become active 67 00:06:26,700 --> 00:06:31,700 in the schedule you will have a list of all cameras with the option to assign a schedule 68 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:36,500 to each of the cameras based on motion sensor and normal situations 69 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:40,600 you can use a specific schedule to each of the cameras individually 70 00:06:40,900 --> 00:06:44,300 or set a schedule to all cameras in one go 71 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:47,500 there are three pre-made schedules 72 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:54,000 24/7 all week ; 24/5 which is for weekdays Monday to Friday; 73 00:06:54,500 --> 00:06:58,200 and 24/2 - which is for weekends Saturday and Sunday 74 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:08,000 24/7 schedule cannot be deleted or modified while 24/5 and 24/2 can be edited or deleted 75 00:07:08,800 --> 00:07:16,000 click the schedule name to display the detailed schedule information on the left side of the interface 76 00:07:16,600 --> 00:07:23,400 the lines on the left stand for the 7 days of the week. each line stands for the daily 24 hours 77 00:07:23,800 --> 00:07:28,000 red marks the active selection and grey marks inactive selection 78 00:07:28,400 --> 00:07:34,000 if you wish to add an existing schedule click on the pencil icon next to it 79 00:07:34,500 --> 00:07:40,500 if you wish to create a new schedule click on the plus button on the top right corner 80 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:46,790 when adding a new schedule you will have to input the schedule name and set the schedule times 81 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:52,700 setting the schedule can be done in several methods the easiest way is the manual input 82 00:07:53,300 --> 00:07:56,300 you can use it for all the channels from the top line 83 00:07:56,700 --> 00:08:00,700 or for a specific channel from the buttons under the corresponding day 84 00:08:01,300 --> 00:08:06,000 first choose if you wish to add or delete time duration from the schedule 85 00:08:06,200 --> 00:08:10,000 by using the marked time or delete time icon 86 00:08:10,700 --> 00:08:16,500 after choosing click on manual and set the start time and end time 87 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:21,400 you can repeat this process to input as many duration's as you wish 88 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:25,000 the minimum duration is 15 minutes 89 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:30,240 the second method is by using the mouse cursor 90 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:33,700 choose if you wish to add time by using the mark time icon 91 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,000 or to delete time by the delete time icon 92 00:08:37,300 --> 00:08:42,800 and then click hold and drag the mouse cursor from the start time to the end time 93 00:08:43,200 --> 00:08:46,700 under each one of the days you have several options- 94 00:08:47,340 --> 00:08:54,000 copy to- will open a window allowing you to copy the schedule of selected days to other days 95 00:08:54,600 --> 00:08:58,200 manual- is the manual input method as described above 96 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:02,000 all- will mark all the day as active 97 00:09:02,700 --> 00:09:07,000 invert- will invert the active and inactive durations 98 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:10,430 clear all- will delete all the active duration 99 00:09:10,900 --> 00:09:14,000 now you will have to assign your schedules 100 00:09:14,300 --> 00:09:15,900 click on schedule settings 101 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:22,200 and assign the required schedules to the cameras for sensor motion and normal recording 102 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:27,600 remember that when switching to manual mode the default schedule settings is none 103 00:09:27,800 --> 00:09:33,000 which means that if you will not set a schedule for it the device will not record any event 104 00:09:33,400 --> 00:09:37,300 after setting the schedules click apply to save the settings 105 00:09:37,700 --> 00:09:43,200 after finishing with the scheduled settings we only have to configure the Advanced Settings 106 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:46,300 you will find it under record 107 00:09:46,700 --> 00:09:54,600 cycle recording is enabled by default. it means that the recording will work in FIFO method- first in first out 108 00:09:55,000 --> 00:10:02,500 so that the oldest recording will be automatically overwritten by new recording once the HDD is full 109 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:04,800 tick it as you wish 110 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:09,800 notice that disabling it will trigger an alarm once the disc is full 111 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:15,300 no new records will be saved until you free some space from the disk 112 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:22,700 set the pre alarm record time which is the recording duration before an alarm event started 113 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:28,500 set the post alarm record time which is the recording duration after an alarm event ended 114 00:10:28,800 --> 00:10:34,180 finally set the expiration time which means that recordings will not be kept 115 00:10:34,180 --> 00:10:39,600 for duration's longer than the specified time even if the disk is not full 116 00:10:39,900 --> 00:10:43,800 once finished click apply to save the settings 117 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:51,000 now you can go to record status and see the recording situation of each of the cameras 118 00:10:51,200 --> 00:10:58,600 here you can see immediately if you have configured anything wrong by the record status of each camera 119 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:02,000 this finalizes the recording configuration