1 00:00:02,800 --> 00:00:05,000 Search & Backup 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:13,500 in this chapter we will learn how to search for events, playback or back it up if necessary 3 00:00:13,700 --> 00:00:20,000 the Ossia system is offering new and breaking through methods for searching for events 4 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:23,700 it is easier to search and simpler to back up 5 00:00:24,300 --> 00:00:26,600 now we will show you how 6 00:00:27,360 --> 00:00:32,800 for each interface we will show how to search and then how to back up 7 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:36,300 since the interfaces are shared for both 8 00:00:37,200 --> 00:00:40,700 we will start by explaining the logic of backing up 9 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:44,502 the method of backing up is similar for all interfaces 10 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:50,600 so this part will cover all the interfaces which include backup options 11 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:57,700 whenever you choose to backup information, the system will show the required capacity before backing up 12 00:00:58,200 --> 00:01:04,000 make sure that the backup media you use is sufficient for the intended backup size 13 00:01:04,500 --> 00:01:12,000 the backup media needs to be formatted to FAT32 file system or it will not be recognized by the system 14 00:01:12,900 --> 00:01:17,000 when clicking on backup, a pop-up window will be opened 15 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:21,000 showing you the available backup media connected to the device 16 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:25,000 choose the desired media and navigate to the desired location 17 00:01:25,700 --> 00:01:28,500 you can create new folders if required 18 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:34,490 next you will have to choose the format . there are two format options- 19 00:01:34,490 --> 00:01:42,500 AVI-the backup files will be decoded so it could be played in almost any video player available in the market 20 00:01:42,900 --> 00:01:47,400 all other information which is not part of the video will be lost 21 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:52,100 private the backup files will be encoded 22 00:01:52,300 --> 00:01:56,900 it could be played only by a special player that will be copied to the backup media 23 00:01:57,000 --> 00:01:59,500 as part of the backup process 24 00:01:59,700 --> 00:02:03,000 the information will include all the video information 25 00:02:03,200 --> 00:02:07,290 including alarm triggers, channel numbers and names 26 00:02:07,600 --> 00:02:13,300 if more than one channel was backed up it could be played simultaneously 27 00:02:13,700 --> 00:02:18,000 you will also be able to decode video segments to AVI format 28 00:02:18,300 --> 00:02:22,500 we will explain more about the private player in the playback chapter 29 00:02:23,200 --> 00:02:30,500 now after explaining the general idea of backup we will continue to the search interfaces 30 00:02:31,300 --> 00:02:37,000 we'll start by clicking on the menu button and then search and backup 31 00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:42,700 in the opened interface the default option is time sliced image 32 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:49,700 the time sliced image search is designed to quickly find a small change in the scene 33 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:52,800 that might have happened in a split second 34 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:57,500 there are two view modes- by time and by camera 35 00:02:57,700 --> 00:03:00,500 you can change it in the top right corner 36 00:03:01,100 --> 00:03:06,420 in the time View mode a maximum of 64 camera thumbnails can be shown 37 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:09,800 if the camera number is greater than 64 38 00:03:10,000 --> 00:03:14,500 the cameras will be listed by their camera name and not as a thumbnail 39 00:03:14,800 --> 00:03:19,400 a maximum of 196 camera names can be listed 40 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:23,300 if the camera name number is more than 196 41 00:03:23,670 --> 00:03:29,800 the time View mode will be disabled and only the camera View mode will be available 42 00:03:30,100 --> 00:03:33,800 the time sliced image is working by layers, 43 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:36,200 first choose the camera 44 00:03:36,390 --> 00:03:40,700 after choosing the camera the display will changed to dates 45 00:03:40,800 --> 00:03:44,700 so you will get a thumbnail from midnight of every day 46 00:03:44,900 --> 00:03:48,500 at each step of the way you can click on the thumbnail 47 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:52,600 a playback will commence on the left side of the interface 48 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:56,000 choose the date by double clicking on the thumbnail 49 00:03:56,200 --> 00:04:02,000 the display will change to hour view and show a thumbnail for every round hour 50 00:04:02,300 --> 00:04:06,100 now you can already see clearer changes of scene 51 00:04:06,400 --> 00:04:11,000 choose the desired hour by double-clicking on the required thumbnail 52 00:04:11,300 --> 00:04:17,200 the display will change again to minute view and show a thumbnail for every round minute 53 00:04:17,400 --> 00:04:19,200 this is the last level 54 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:25,200 double-clicking on a thumbnail at this level will take you to the full screen playback interface 55 00:04:25,500 --> 00:04:29,300 once you have found the event and you wish to back it up 56 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:33,500 click on set backup time on the bottom left 57 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:37,920 the date will be set automatically according to your choice 58 00:04:38,100 --> 00:04:42,200 input the start time and end time and click on OK 59 00:04:42,300 --> 00:04:48,000 after setting the times the backup button that was grayed out is now available 60 00:04:48,300 --> 00:04:52,000 click on it to continue with the backup process 61 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:55,800 now we will continue to search by time interface 62 00:04:55,900 --> 00:04:59,960 click on by time, in the top of the interface 63 00:04:59,960 --> 00:05:06,200 choose the desired cameras by clicking on the + icon on any one of the windows and confirm 64 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:08,500 choose the required date 65 00:05:08,700 --> 00:05:11,500 the time bar will update momentarily 66 00:05:11,700 --> 00:05:16,000 if you are interested only in a specific type of record trigger 67 00:05:16,100 --> 00:05:19,400 you can remove the unnecessary triggers by not ticking them 68 00:05:19,700 --> 00:05:26,400 clicking on the time bar will refresh the thumbnails to show the exact moment of the chosen time 69 00:05:26,600 --> 00:05:30,000 this will help you to find the required point for playback 70 00:05:30,100 --> 00:05:33,000 or backup even without playing back the video clip 71 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:37,400 a single click on the thumbnail will commence a playback of that channel 72 00:05:37,500 --> 00:05:39,600 within the same interface 73 00:05:39,880 --> 00:05:43,000 double clicking on it will take you to the full playback interface 74 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:48,000 backing up from the time search interface can be done in two methods 75 00:05:48,100 --> 00:05:55,400 you can either click on set backup time, set the start and end times and dates and confirm 76 00:05:55,600 --> 00:05:59,900 alternatively you can use a time bar to set the start and end time 77 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:06,500 by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor from the start to the end point 78 00:06:08,100 --> 00:06:11,900 next is search by event interface 79 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:16,000 click on by event to open the interface 80 00:06:16,200 --> 00:06:22,000 set the start and end times and dates and tick the required cameras on the left pane 81 00:06:22,200 --> 00:06:25,100 when done click on search 82 00:06:25,300 --> 00:06:28,700 if you are interested only in a specific type of events 83 00:06:28,900 --> 00:06:32,500 you can remove the unnecessary events by un ticking them 84 00:06:32,700 --> 00:06:37,200 changing the event types required that you will click on the search button again 85 00:06:37,300 --> 00:06:41,820 the result will be a list of events specific for the chosen cameras and event types 86 00:06:42,100 --> 00:06:47,000 clicking on the playback icon will open a pop-up window playing back the event 87 00:06:47,200 --> 00:06:54,000 choosing an event and clicking on the playback button will playback the event in the playback interface 88 00:06:54,200 --> 00:06:59,400 clicking on the backup icon or choosing an event and clicking on the backup button 89 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:04,800 will open a back up pop-up which is a first stage of the backup procedure 90 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:08,000 now we will continue to tag management 91 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:14,200 tags are actually playback bookmarks that you can save while watching playback 92 00:07:14,400 --> 00:07:19,500 the tag management interface will be empty unless you have saved the tag 93 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:26,500 if a tag is available you can play it back, edit it or delete it by using the required icon 94 00:07:26,700 --> 00:07:29,240 next is the snapshot interface 95 00:07:29,300 --> 00:07:33,600 here you will find all the snapshots saved by the system 96 00:07:33,800 --> 00:07:40,500 due to alarms or other pre-configured situations, plus snapshots you have saved manually 97 00:07:40,700 --> 00:07:45,700 in this interface you can view, delete or export the snapshot 98 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:50,400 exporting the snapshot will be done with the same rule of backing up video files 99 00:07:50,600 --> 00:07:53,860 last in this interface is the backup status 100 00:07:54,200 --> 00:07:57,800 here you will find all the active backup procedures 101 00:07:58,020 --> 00:08:01,800 you will also be able to see the general progress of the backup tasks 102 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:04,200 pause or delete it if necessary 103 00:08:04,500 --> 00:08:07,400 this finalizes the search and backup chapter